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Too Close to Home. How Minority Communities Broaden the Scope of Care and Help

  • As much as war is about armed military conflict, it is also fundamentally about mass displacement, broken lives, and lost futures. This simple truth has become way too obvious in large parts of Poland, where providing food, clothes and shelter to strangers, and collecting donations to help refugees from neighboring Ukraine have become common practices among “ordinary” people. Much of the efforts of this grassroots mass mobilization to help those escaping their war-torn country falls on the shoulders of various parts of society, including individual activists and non-activists as well as civil society organizations. What is perhaps less visible in this civil society mobilization and its media coverage are the efforts of migrant and minority communities that do their share in offering relief to those fleeing from Ukraine.

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Verfasserangaben:Thuc Linh Nguyen VuGND
Verlag:ZZF - Leibniz-Zentrum für Zeithistorische Forschung: zdbooks
Datum der Erstveröffentlichung:31.05.2024
Datum der Freischaltung:12.06.2024
Erste Seite:137
Letzte Seite:145
DDC-Klassifikation:9 Geschichte und Geografie / 94 Geschichte Europas / 947 Geschichte Osteuropas; Russlands
Bildung und Universitäten
Internationale Beziehungen
Soziale Bewegungen
ZZF-Regionalklassifikation:Europa / Osteuropa / UdSSR/Russland
Europa / Mittel-/Osteuropa / Polen
Europa / Osteuropa / Ukraine
ZZF-Zeitklassifikation:vor 1900
21. Jahrhundert
Online-Portale:zdbooks / Die Wirklichkeit ist angekommen … Ein Dossier aus Anlass des russischen Überfalls auf die Ukraine / Beiträge
Lizenz (Deutsch):License LogoCreative Commons - Namensnennung-Nicht kommerziell-Keine Bearbeitungen (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)