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In this issue

  • Questions about the performance of democratic governance, about trust in democratic institutions and their representatives, about the system’s inherent ability to self-correct and to respond to unforeseen situations are now once again being raised with particular urgency. ›Which copes better with the virus – totalitarian states or democracies?‹ was the question a reporting team from the weekly newspaper DIE ZEIT wanted to answer at the beginning of 2021, investigating the strategies and practices of pandemic control in Germany and China, the USA and Iran. The answer certainly depends on how one weights different indicators and which time horizon one chooses for consideration. It also depends on the value one wishes to place on democratic procedures, especially in the face of acute decision-making pressure. Quite apart from the Covid pandemic, democratic systems, even those of the ›West‹ with a long tradition, are increasingly undergoing a crisis of legitimacy, are exposed to hostility, are disparaged or even violently opposed. Against this backdrop, the Gerda Henkel Foundation announced a ›Funding Programme Democracy‹ in 2019, and various Berlin research institutions opened the Cluster of Excellence ›Contestations of the Liberal Script‹ in 2020.

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Verfasserangaben:Jan-Holger KirschGND
Titel des übergeordneten Werkes (Englisch):Zeithistorische Forschungen – Studies in Contemporary History
Verlag:ZZF – Centre for Contemporary History: Zeithistorische Forschungen
Dokumentart:Wissenschaftlicher Artikel (Zeitschrift)
Datum der Veröffentlichung (online):15.03.2021
Datum der Erstveröffentlichung:15.03.2021
Datum der Freischaltung:15.03.2021
Ausgabe / Heft:3
Erste Seite:433
Letzte Seite:436
Online-Portale:Zeithistorische Forschungen
Zeithistorische Forschungen: Originalbeiträge:3 / 2020 Offenes Heft
Lizenz (Deutsch):License LogoZZF - Clio Lizenz